
The Legend of Zelda:TSatS Ep71

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Episode 71: Mind over Antimatter, Part 1

Aboard Cyrus' Ship...

Cyrus handed the space pirates on the computers some notes he took while at Spear Pillar. The space pirates then used this data to work even harder on their computers, which satisfied Cyrus. Vaati watched all of this with an interested eye.

Vaati: So what are they searching for now?

Cyrus: I've taken some data on the third beast from my last excursion. Now they are searching for a point in space where we can find him more easily.

Vaati: So, you're sure this creature can destroy anything it touches?

Cyrus: But of course. Giratina has dominion over antimatter, which instantly erases anything it touches from existance. We can wipe anyone, anything, any world that dares to get in our way clean out of our universe!

Vaati: Ah, so leaving them one choice: bow down to us, or die. Ha ha ha, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Vaati continued to laugh to himself about the power they were about to come across, while Cyrus just smirked at the dark wizard.

Cyrus: *whispers* Laugh it up Vaati, soon it won't matter...

Elsewhere, aboard Professor Hector's ship...

Link looked down as he had finished telling Zelda about his recurring nightmare, while Zelda's face had a combination of horror at what he told her and concern for her best friend.

Zelda: You've dreamt of your own death?

Link: Yeah, and it keeps happening. I haven't gotten a full night's sleep in weeks!

Zelda: Oh dear, no wonder you've been so on edge...

Link: What does it mean? Am I really gonna die?

Zelda: I don't know, dreams are usually representations of either desires or fears. It's very rare that someone have a prophetic dream.

Link: Rare? So it's still possible that it could happen?

Zelda: Well, from what I've looked up some previous members of my bloodline have had dreams that foretold of disastrous events. But I don't see how it could happen to you...

Link: *sigh* I just wish I could get some real sleep...

Zelda: Link, you've had a very eventful life. You've defeated Ganon twice, travelled through space, fought Nayru only knows how many monsters. Perhaps this dream is the stress of it all finally catching up with you.

Link: So what do I do about it?

Zelda: Maybe sit our next adventure out. Take a break to calm your nerves.

Link: I can't. You heard Cyrus, he has the last chain link. His next big move is gonna be soon, and I've got to stop him!

Zelda: Link, just because you were chosen as Hyrule's hero, that doesn't mean you have to bear the weight of the universe all on your shoulders. I'm your friend, Link. I'm always there for you when you need me.

Link: *sigh* Thanks Zelda. Just being able to talk about it already makes me feel better.

Link gave his friend a hug, which Zelda returned, a smile on her face. After about a minute of hugging, the entire ship suddenly blared with a loud alarm, which startled the two.

Link: What's that!?

Zelda: I don't know, let's go see!

Link and Zelda ran to the front of the ship, where ROB and Professor Hector were pushing buttons and pulling levers to try and steer the ship in another direction.

Zelda: What's going on!?

Hector: We're heading for a Danger Zone! We must turn around!

Link: Danger Zone!? What's that!?


Zelda: Well why were WE steering into it!?

Hector: Because Cyrus' ship is going there! They've got some kind of strange force-field around it, but they're just staying in one place!

Link: They must have something else planned! We need to follow them!


Link: Just get me close enough so I can teleport there! Then you can get away!

Zelda: Then I'm coming too!

Link: What!? Zelda, this is big time dangerous! You've been a great help before, but-

Zelda: No buts, Link! I've said you don't need to bear everything alone, and I meant it!

Link: Oh, alright. Get us in close ROB!

ROB flew the ship close to the space pirate frigate near the danger zone. Link stood close to Zelda, played his ocarina, and with a bright tornado he and Zelda disappeared! ROB steered the ship away, and as soon as they were safe Professor Hector let out a sigh of relief.

Hector: Good luck children...

Aboard Cyrus' ship...

Link and Zelda appeared within the large space pirate ship. They took a look around their surroundings, with Link somewhat recognizing everything he saw.

Link: This looks just like that space pirate ship me and Samus were on all those years ago!

Zelda: Interesting...

They began to walk through the hallways of the ship, being careful to not make too much noise so as not to alert the space pirates of their location. On the way, they decided to have a quiet conversation.

Link: *whispers* So, what was your time at Professor Hector's like?

Zelda: *whispers* It was fascinating. I learned not only about many new chemical formulas, but also new machines, he had maps of distant planets, and I even learned some things about space pirate ships.

Link: *whispers* Space pirate ships? So you could fly our ship if you wanted to?

Zelda: *whispers* Probably. I'd feel pretty nervous about it though...

Link: *whispers* Well, let's just pray to Farore that you never have to.

Zelda: *whispers* I will. So how have you been?

Link: *whispers* Well, other than the death dream, I've been okay. My uncle's been sending me to Death Mountain to get iron from the Goron tribe, so I've had to dodge the occasional lava rock coming from the top of it.

Zelda: *whispers* Well that sounds exciting.

Link: *whispers* Yeah, and if that wasn't enough, the place is also crawling with tektites. There's even some leftover mutated ones from when Fawful invaded.

Zelda: *whispers* What? I thought Pit and Prince Peasley killed them all.

Link: *whispers* So did I, but it seems nothing from my past can ever really go away...

Zelda: *whispers* Well, if we must get technical, you weren't there for the tektite fight so it isn't YOUR past.

Link: *whispers* True. You and I were fighting Vaati, and then Ganon.

Zelda: *whispers* Oh dear, I don't think I'll ever forget Ganon.

Link: *whispers* Hey, that reminds me, what happened to your silver bow and arrow?

Zelda: *whispers* I didn't bring it with me to Professor Hector's, and we did kind of have to leave in a hurry.

Link: *whispers* Good point. It seems something is always making us leap into action...

Zelda: Yeah, like THAT!

Zelda pointed in one direction, and Link looked to see several space pirates staring them down. Link drew his sword, ready for a fight. The space pirates opened their arm appendages and began to shoot their energy beams at them, but Zelda quickly cast a magic shield in front of them, protecting them from the blast.

Link: Any ideas?

Zelda: We'll defeat most of them, and then have the last one tell us where Cyrus is!

Link: That works!

The space pirates continued to shoot at Link and Zelda, who dropped their shield and ran at their attackers, with Link slicing them up with his sword and Zelda casting her fire spells at them. The space pirates fought back with all of their might, but it seemed that Link and Zelda were too quick for them, as their shots wouldn't even touch them. There were even a few missed shots that fried one of their own! Eventually, there was only one left, lying on the ground while Link had his sword pointed at its throat.

Link: Where's Cyrus?

The space pirate began making fearful clicking noises, but Zelda quickly kicked it in its side.

Zelda: Don't try that with us! We know you can speak our language, or how could you have made any deals with Cyrus?

space pirate: ...they're in the front cargo bay.

Link: Thank you.

Link then walked away from the space pirate, but it quickly got up and tried to shoot him. Zelda quickly defended once again, and then shot a fire spell at it, killing it. Link looked surprised at what Zelda did.

Zelda: You should know better than to turn your back like that.

Link: I guess so. Thanks Zelda!

The two continued their walk through the ship's hallways, searching for the front cargo bay the dead space pirate spoke of...

Later, In the front of the ship...

Link and Zelda, after much searching, finally found the front cargo bay. They knew it could only be that because they saw Cyrus, Vaati, and even more space pirates standing in it.

Link: Finally, we're here! HEY CYRUS!

Cyrus: What the- how'd they get here!?

Vaati: I'll take care of them!

Vaati flew towards Link and Zelda on his wind, while Link and Zelda got ready for another fight. Link swung his sword down at the dark wizard, but he quickly dodged it and used his wind to throw him against a wall.

Zelda: Link!

Vaati: Ah, the Princess. So you're still alive in this timeline...

Zelda: I don't know what you're talking about, but you'll pay for hurting Link!

Zelda threw some of her fire spells at Vaati, who once more dodged them using his wind magic. Link got back up and charged at Vaati, ready to slice him in two, but Vaati blew him into Zelda, knocking them both to the floor.

Vaati: This is magnificent! With this magic I took from Dark Queen, I'm unstoppable!

Zelda: Oh, I thought that magic felt familiar...

Link: Zelda, we're getting our butts kicked! Any ideas?

Zelda: Maybe we should split his attention. I'll distract him!

Zelda got back up and continued to fire her spells at Vaati, who kept on dodging them and throwing his wind, trying to knock Zelda away. While his attention was on Zelda, Link leapt at Vaati and finally got a hit on him, slicing him right across his back! Vaati yelled in pain as he fell to the floor, while Link and Zelda stood over him. Link raised his sword over Vaati's chest, ready to end him once and for all.

Link: It's over Vaati! Now I'll finish you!

Vaati: Over? HA HA HA HA HA, my boy, it hasn't even begun!

Zelda: What!?

Vaati: Is it ready, Cyrus?

Cyrus: It is!

Cyrus pulled out a small device with a speaker and a dial on it, and then turned the dial. Soon the entire ship began to shake, knocking everyone to their feet save for Cyrus, who continued to stay where he was as he looked out the front of the cargo bay. It soon began to open, but to the surprise of the space pirates, they weren't being sucked out into space. One of them began clicking to Cyrus about what was going on.

Cyrus: The forcefield I designed prevents anything from being sucked out the ship. We basically have our own little air bubble in space. Now don't interrupt, I don't want to miss this...

Outside the ship, the energy of the forcefield began to stretch itself towards a point in space, soon creating what looked like a large crack giving off a white glow. The crack grew larger and larger, until something began to emerge from it. A gigantic, insect-like creature came out of the crack and was caught in the ship's forcefield, staying completely still, as if awaiting an order like a trained dog.

Cyrus: Now we are unstoppable! Giratina is ours!

Here's me newest episode!

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Ichiro Kazuki

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